Discover the Best Concerts in Monroe, LA

Are you looking for the best concerts in Monroe, LA? Look no further! Monroe Concerts has been updated for 2020 and is the perfect place to find out what happened at past events and plan for future ones.

Discover the Best Concerts in Monroe, LA

Are you looking for the best concerts in Monroe, LA? Look no further! Monroe Concerts has been updated for 2020 and is the perfect place to find out what happened at past events and plan for future ones. The Monroe Civic Center Arena is the place to be for all the latest concerts. On Saturday, the Civic Center will be honored with a plaque on the Northeastern Louisiana Music Trail at noon. To celebrate, there will be an inauguration and concert at the Jack Howard Theater, located at 401 Lea Joyner Memorial Expressway in Monroe.

If you're looking for more than just reviews of past concerts, you can also find thousands of upcoming concerts by your favorite bands around the world. You can buy concert tickets and follow your favorite bands to stay up-to-date on their upcoming shows. Monroe Concerts is the perfect place to discover what happened at past events and plan for future ones. With updated information for 2020, you can stay informed on all the latest concerts in Monroe, LA.

Caleb Wasmus
Caleb Wasmus

Wannabe web buff. Professional coffee advocate. Avid internet enthusiast. Unapologetic zombie geek. Friendly coffee fanatic.